Keshia Martin
Mar 15

Does Energy Healing Really Work? An Energy Healer's Perspective

As an energy healer, I get asked this question a lot: does it really work? The short answer is yes, in my experience, energy healing can be a powerful tool for promoting well-being. But let's delve deeper and explore why.

Understanding the Energy Field
Eastern medicine has long understood the concept of an energy field surrounding the body. This field, often called the aura or biofield, is believed to be interconnected with our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), for instance, uses the concept of qi (vital energy) flowing through meridians in the body. Acupuncture works by stimulating these points to restore balance in the flow of qi.

Energy Healing: A Holistic Approach
Energy healing practices like Reiki or Healing Touch aim to address imbalances in this energy field. Just like a blockage in your plumbing can disrupt water flow in your house, an energetic blockage can manifest as physical or emotional discomfort. Energy healers use various techniques, from gentle hand placements to visualizations, to help clear these blockages and restore a healthy energy flow.

The Power of the Clairs
Many energy healers possess what are called "Clair" senses. I believe we all possess these abilities. Its essentially our spiritual senses, the same way we have our 5 physical sense, our spirit has the same. Its how we connect, just know something or feel a vibe when we enter a room. Many times, we can't explain it, but the more we trust it, hone in, we develop the skills to master our intuitive abilities. These are heightened intuitive abilities like clairvoyance (seeing energy), clairsentience (feeling energy), or clairaudience (hearing intuitive messages). These senses allow healers to perceive imbalances in a client's energy field and guide their healing work.

Relatable Examples: Feeling the Energy Shift
Imagine a client coming in with chronic headaches and a feeling of being overwhelmed. Using my clairsentience, I might pick up on a feeling of tightness or stagnation in their energy field around the head. Through Reiki hand placements, a healer could help move and balance that energy, promoting relaxation and a sense of calm. Often, clients report feeling lighter or more centered after a session, even if the physical changes take time. This is just a start, however, as you develop your skills and learn more about the vast unknown, the energy healer can move through the field without being physically present. 

Distant Healing: Energy Transcends Space
Many are curious about distant healing, where the healer and client are not physically present together. While it might seem strange, consider this: our emotions can travel vast distances, affecting those we care about. Energy healing works on a similar principle. By focusing intention and using the clairs, a healer can connect with a client's energy field regardless of location.

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Feeling stressed or out of balance? Limited spots are available for introductory healing sessions this month.

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Energy Healing: A Complement, Not a Replacement

It's important to remember that energy healing is not a magic bullet. It works best as a complement to traditional medical care. Think of it as nurturing the soil in your garden – it creates optimal conditions for the plants (your body) to flourish. The key for when an energy healing session is being facilitated, is that you as the receiver, have the intention of restoration, healing, activation. Without your acceptance, the facilitator cannot infringe on your freewill to "fix" you.

So, does energy healing work? In my experience, and the experience of many clients, it can be a powerful tool for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If you're curious, consider giving it a try with a session with myself, they are multi-dimensional healings from an experienced medium that has all claires activated, that can see the energy, feel it and identify where the trauma/experience started that is manifesting into an energetic block in your life - emotionally, mental block or even a physical ailment.  


Feeling stressed or out of balance? 

Limited spots are available for introductory healing sessions this month. Book yours now and take a step towards greater well-being!
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